The Best Poster Awards from the GdR MecaQ have been rewarded this year to Roger Tormo Queralt (1st), Johanna Wolff (2nd) and Thibaud Ruelle (3rd). Thanks to all the presenters for this delighting moment and see you soon!
The final program and book of abstracts have been released, you can download it by clicking the link above!
The program of Mecaqcolloq2021 is now online, including the schedule of the contributed presentations, check it out! The organizers
The dinner of mecaqcolloq2021 will be held at the "Bouillon Racine", a historic restaurant at the heart of the Quartier Latin. Please do not hesitate to visit de conference dinner page and to register for the dinner (for free)!
Some Info is available regarding accomodation very close to the Conference location, check it out!
The deadline for registration and submission for Mecaqcolloq2021 is extended to the 15th October 2021. Don't wait any longer for joining us!
The 6th Colloquium of the the GdR MecaQ will finally be hosted "IRL" at CentraleSupélec, under the coordination of Dr. Thomas Antoni (LuMIn, CentraleSupélec). The dates remain unchanged (15th & 16th November). We are looking forward meeting you there!